Sunday, January 17, 2010


by Colleen

Madeleines. When making them, I highly recommend following the advice of others. For example, greasing the Madeleine tray, even if the Madeleine tray looks like it's non-stick. Even if you're sure it's non-stick...because those little Madeleines, well, they're sticky. Oh, and tapping the bottom of the tray to release the batter's air bubbles (to be fair, I meant to do that, I just forgot). And when they say only fill half of the mold with batter, they mean a quarter, if even. As little as possible. Those suckers start expanding before you can even get them in the oven. Just things to take into account for next time.

Good thing they taste delicious no matter what you do. Hello Madeleine, you had me at NOM.
 I find it awesome that Jason Stratham's character in the Transporter, sworn bachelor and elite smuggler extraordinaire, had in his possession, a Madeleine tray, so that that girl could conveniently bake him Madeleines. Maybe they are just a staple in every European's home.


  1. looks tasty! now when do we get to try some =)

  2. Oh soons! this is one of the rare times a recipe worked for me on the first try and was tasty, so you will be experiencing the magic of madeleines very soon! can't wait to make them again :D
