Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day One, Part Two, in San Francisco

by Hubert

Just a block away from where the last video was shot, I hopped onto a bus that took me straight to the Golden Gate Bridge (thank goodness for iPhones).

This sight greeted me upon arrival.

I had traveled three miles, from gorgeous weather to fog city. Couldn't see any of the top spires of the bridge.

So I walked onto the bridge, and this is what I could see:

This was no better. And people were looking at me. Or Scarfy Blue Penguin. It's hard to tell.

Time to walk to the first spire of the bridge.


I head back to the southern entrance of the bridge and take about 15 minutes mulling over purchases in the gift shop. Gotta get something for my troubles!

I buy a bunch of trinkets, step outside, and see this!

Woohoo! Success!

And here's a bonus video:

Next entry: Palace of Fine Arts

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